The print media is an effective way to communicate with people locally or on international level. Attracting media attention can help expand your influence and name recognition in target communities.

print media advertising - jas diseno

Engage More User
With Print Media

Print Media is physical form of media used in advertising. It is an effective way to reach business customers and consumers through printed materials like newspapers, catalogues and magazines. Despite Digital media and Electronic media in form and it seems to have overridden print media, still it has not lost its need or charm. A major part of customers still prefer physical print than opting for digital as print is tangible and has significant impact.

Tangibility is one of the main reasons why print media is being benefitted in today’s fast changing world. People feel that the content is real if the paper in their hands and it triggers multiple senses. The effectiveness of print media increases manifold if the advertisement touches more than three senses. It acts like a mass media and entails flexibility with it.

Recent research and studies have found that the print readers read longer articles and have the capacity to retain or remember more. This is because print offers lesser distractions and the readers can concentrate more. The most important part is that print media keeps the user engaged, which is the key to successful marketing. No one can deny the Power of Print.


Services We Serve

Jas Diseno Magazine Advertisement Service


Jas Diseno Newspaper Advertisement Service


Jas Diseno Cinema/Multiplex Advertisement Service

Multiplex Cinema

Jas Diseno Outdoor Advertisement Service

Outdoor Advertising

Jas Diseno Radio Advertisement Service


Jas Diseno Television (TV) Advertisement Service


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